As Time Goes By...

It's amazing how time flies! I came across a social media post from a past customer, and it hit me that their twins were among my very first customers. Seeing them now in college was a pleasant shock, and it left me pondering, "Where has the time gone?"

These musings led me to a heartwarming story my daughter Melissa shared. It revolved around a NICU nurse who unexpectedly crosses paths with a former patient. Imagine the joy of going about your usual workday and suddenly realizing that the father you're casually chatting with was once a tiny patient in the NICU 33 years ago! Life has a beautiful way of weaving these connections across time.

The story:

Three days later, the new parents were at home when Caldwell, 33, wanted to look at his baby pictures to see how much his son resembled him. As Freydin was flipping through the photos one of them struck her as familiar.

“I saw the picture and I knew right away it was nurse Lissa,” Freydin said. “He didn’t believe me and said ‘no way, it’s not possible.’”

Lissa McGowan, a NICU nurse, had been caring for Zayne since he was born and now a photo from decades ago shows she also cared for Caldwell.

read the full story...



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